Melody Jones - My Operational Journey

The Beginning 

Like most wig businesses, when you start out you really don’t have much knowledge of anything. You have an idea of what you want to do and your dreams, but it can be an uphill battle trying to figure out how to make everything work. This was the case for me, and I realized quickly I had no idea about running a business, and especially a wig business online.

In 2015, I started my wig business and was also working a full-time job. I didn’t have all the knowledge or tools but I knew I wanted to help people with their wig journey. So I created my own website which didn’t go so well.  I didn't have any wig sisters or anybody that I can talk to about business.  Back then, everybody kept everything so close to the chest. So I didn't do much in my business. In fact, everything I did was a hit or miss. I was selling wigs and extensions to people that I knew, but really not plugged into my business.

When I Realized I Needed More Help 

It wasn't until 2021, where I really realized I needed more help to get this business off the ground. At this point, I’ve retired so now I had more time to dedicate to my business and figure this thing out. After some research, I found Stylish Boss Academy. I started buying e-books and small courses to fix things like my pricing. Eventually I joined Tee’s first mentorship program, and there my eyes were opened to how much work I had to do to get my business up to par. 

It was crystal clear I had no system at all. There wasn’t a business foundation, so it felt like I had spent years running my business on empty. The mentoring and group activity made me understand that running a business was more than just having passion for people and wigs. I had to be able to run things properly if I wanted this to live on beyond me. 

The Outcome

What really changed my life is Operation Excellence. When I tell you I have more confidence today in my wig business then I have ever had in this journey. The benefits are unmatched.This program took me from the very beginning with the mindset of a business owner. The modules are broken down, the resources, the accountability and the partnership you have in this program really transforms the way you view business. That was half the battle for me, and now it’s so much easier for me to work in my purpose with my business. 

Improved Confidence

Before I can’t say that I was truly confident about showing up for my business. This program has given me so much confidence because I have a system in place. This system, I can do over and over and over again. I no longer feel confused or worried because I have learned how to run it daily. 

New Strategies

Strategies are a must. I no longer get up in the morning and try to figure out what I'm going to do for the day. You know why? Because I plan things out and know how to strategize! This program has taught me to plan ahead, be accountable and to show up every day. I’ve gained the discipline needed to see things through to the end. 

This has been the greatest program and one of the best investments I've ever made in my business. In just a short couple of weeks, I can see the changes in my abilities, in my operations, and in my overall business already.